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All Students qualify for Full, Healthy Lunch and Breakfast Daily during school year

<div>All Students qualify for Full, Healthy Lunch and Breakfast Daily during school year</div> icon
All Students qualify for Full, Healthy Lunch and Breakfast Daily during school year

CEP Media Release

Summer Meals Availability based on attendance at SUmmer School and Upward Bound programs.

Additionally all students can come to the school Monday - Friday and we will provide a basic meal for each student.

Additional resurces can be found by calling 1-866-3-HUNGRY (English) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (Spanish)

or vising 


P_EBT Benefits

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P_EBT Benefits

From: <>
Date: Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:40 AM
Subject: Student Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) Card Information
To: Dunsmuir Joint Union High School District <>

The California Department of Education (CDE) is requesting that Local Educational Agencies (LEA) share information about the P-EBT program with families to encourage families to use P-EBT benefits.
P-EBT is a federal program that gives eligible families food benefits to replace meals lost at child care or school due to the pandemic. Beginning in School Year (SY) 2019–20, Congress authorized the issuance of funds to families of eligible children under the P-EBT program. P-EBT cards were issued for SY 2019–20, 2020–21, and cards will be issued for SY 2021–22 beginning in September 2022 (pending U.S. Department of Agriculture approval).
The CDE in partnership with the California Department of Social Services has made additional resources available for LEAs to share with families to encourage the use of P-EBT cards.
These resources include flyers, fact sheets, and translated inserts for distribution to families. The resources provide additional information about P-EBT, answers to common questions, and contact information. We encourage you to share the P-EBT resources with your families so they understand benefits provide additional food resources to households and are available for use.
Authorized users (such as a Food Service Director) can access the P-EBT resources for families in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System, Form ID numbers SNP 78 through SNP 82, or LEAs can request this information by sending an email to
Contact Information
For LEA inquiries about P-EBT, please email the CDE at .
For household inquiries about P-EBT, please refer individuals to the P-EBT web page at  or the P-EBT helpline at 877-328-9677 (Monday–Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.).
Thank you,
Nutrition Services Division
California Department of Education
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Meal Menus

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Food Quality

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Food Quality

The School Nurse sent this reminder 1/27/20 - to remind everyone of the CA state law that requires food served (either offered or sold) in schools be prepared in a licensed kitchen.
It is flu season, hand foot and mouth illness is going around, and there are always viral illnesses circulating. We have no ability to determine the cleanliness of home kitchens, or to determine whether they store and prepare foods safely.
The California Health and Safety Code, Section 114021-114023 state the following:
114021.  (a) Food shall be obtained from sources that comply with
all applicable laws.
   (b) Food stored or prepared in a private home shall not be used or
offered for sale in a food facility.
114023.  Food in a hermetically sealed container shall be obtained
from a food processing plant that is regulated by the food regulatory
agency that has jurisdiction over the plant.
So, basically, what this means is that food prepared in private homes cannot be served to students at school during the school day.  Food that is brought to school for special treats and parties, must be purchased from a facility where the food was prepared in a licensed and inspected kitchen and be in the sealed container it was purchased in.
It is however, permissible for students to prepare foods and consume them at school as a supervised learning activity.
I know some parents get upset about this but, this is a state law, not a county law or school rule. The law was passed several years ago to help control exposure to food borne illnesses from improperly prepared or stored foods.  It is even more relevant now with the higher incidence of food allergies in children.
Please pass this on to your teachers and parents!
Thank you for taking the health and safety of our students seriously,
Patty Morris, R.N. School Nurse, Health Services Director
Siskiyou County Office of Education
609 South Gold Street, Yreka CA 96097-3110
Office Phone 530.842.8425 Cell Phone 530.598.0067 FAX 530.842.8437
Free Breakfast and Lunch for Every Student while school is in session.
Dunsmuir Joint Union High School District