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Scholarships & Senior to do list

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Scholarships & Senior to do list

Always look at these links for new and additional opportunities - new scholarships every week


You must finish your FAFSA before March to be eligible for the Siskiyou Promise.  You also must graduate from High School.


Scholarships will be posted or updated as they arrive. The newest on top of the list.

    • Siskiyou County Colleagues 2025 Summer Program Scholarship opportunity. 
      See the information below and attached (the flyer contains the same information as below) for details. 
      Attached is the scholarship guidelines as well as a sample list of summer programs. 
      Please be aware that College & Career Options will not be funding on-line programs, and that only in-person programs will be considered for scholarship funding. 
      Please note that the deadline for application submittal is Friday, April 4, 2025 at 5:00 pm.
    • The 2025 McConnell Scholars application is available now at
      Almost every student who has gotten this scholarship has reported that someone they knew encouraged them to apply. I want to thank you for being one of those people who helps your students along their journey.
      Complete details are on the website, but here are the important dates:
      • Monday, February 10: Applications due by 8:00 AM
      • Wednesday, March 5, 2025: Interviewees notified
      •  Saturday, March 15, 2025: Scholars interviews in Modoc and Tehama
      • Saturday, March 22, 2025: Scholars interviews in Shasta and Siskiyou
      • Monday, March 24, 2025: Scholars interviews in Trinity County
      • Thursday, March 26, 2024: All candidates notified of selection/non-selection
      Dunsmuir Scholarship
    • DHS Alum Scholarship
    • US Forest Service - Shasta McCloud Management Unit Legace Scholarships
      The Shasta McCloud Management Unit (SMMU) is seeking applications from graduating high school seniors of current or retired SMMU employees* for a $500 scholarship in the pursuit of further learning.
      Two scholarships are available. The SMMU will award a $500 scholarship to each of two graduating seniors of a current or retired SMMU employee.
      Applications are due Monday, May 16, 2022. The application with instructions is attached.
      Please help share this opportunity with qualifying graduating high school seniors!
       Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, Em (Emelia Barnum)  Thank you!
       *For the purpose of this scholarship, a graduating senior of a SMMU employee is defined as:
      Your child regardless of whether the child lives with you, or
      A child for whom you are considered the guardian.
      Current or retired SMMU employee is defined as:
      Anyone who was an employee of SMMU, the Mt. Shasta Ranger District or the McCloud Ranger District at the time of their retirement, or
      any current employee of SMMU (generally anyone who works for the local unit and whose duty station is Mt. Shasta, McCloud, Sims, or Ash Creek), or
      any temporary employee who worked for SMMU in the past year and has a reasonable expectation of re-employment.
  • College of the Siskiyous - The College of the Siskiyous Foundation announces scholarship applications for 2022/2023 are now available for Siskiyou and Modoc County high school seniors (graduating June 2022) and current COS students who plan to attend COS during the 2022/2023 year. Deadline to apply is March 15, 2022. All students are encouraged to apply. Scholarship applications may be downloaded at
    In addition, those who are also submitting Siskiyou Promise applications will receive PRIORITY REVIEW of their Siskiyous Promise application if a COS Foundation Scholarship application is also submitted by the student.

  • Oregon Tech Foundation Scholarships

  • Dirk Derrick Car & Truck Accident Injury Scholarship

  • Community Foundation Scholarship Fund

Community Foundation scholarship deadlines are JUST around the corner on March 9, 2022. (Additionally the high school freshman "Reach Higher Scholarship" is now open with a deadline of March 31)
Please share the information with your student networks. Scholarship criteria and applications can be found online:  and a concise "At-A-Glance" version categorizing the scholarship opportunities by eligibility parameters is attached. If you don't already, consider following us on social media for reminder posts about applications, deadlines, and so much more! Facebook or Instagram
Reading and Research

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Reading and Research

How to research and write a paper Landing Page - PQRC (
Kahn Academy. Use this link :
You will have to create an account. Choose Learner or Parent and go from there.
Other ways to see Khan Academy lectures include going to YouTube and searching for “Khan Academy lecture on ----“ whatever you want, like “Pythagorean Theorem”. log in below: DUNSMUIR tigers

School Library Catalogue

Siskiyou County Library link at

Library bonuses
Your library card works at all Siskiyou branches, and on line.
You can use your public library card at school or at home to:
Look at magazines Place requests for items to be delivered to your branch
Download e-books and audio books
Get homework help 24/7
Create a reading list
Set up e-mail notifications for library transactions
Learn a language
Listen to music

Reading and Research

Please log in with the following information:
username: dunsmuir
password: student

KKIS Poster - Every Day Counts
Mental Health Poster with resources and guidance.