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Graduation Exercises
DHS Auditorium at 7:00 pm, June 7th, 2024

<div>Graduation Exercises</div><div>DHS Auditorium at 7:00 pm, June 7th, 2024</div> icon
Graduation Exercises
DHS Auditorium at 7:00 pm, June 7th, 2024

Pats on the Back

<div>Pats on the Back</div> icon
Pats on the Back

  • Congratulations to all the Tiger Award winners, scholarship earners and other special regognition recipients at the fun event, May 29th.

  • Congratulations to the Culinary Team who brought back an award from Orlando!!!

  • Dunsmuir High Culinary Program Featured in Parent Magazine. Here's the link.

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees for June 12, 2024 

will feature the LCAP and it's related documents: SPSA, Local Indicators self reflection, Annual LCAP Update, and more.

Adoption of these plans and the budget will happen at a specila Board Meeting Tuesday,June 18th.

The Draft plans are on the website for your review and comment.

Parent Teacher Conferences Available 

<div>Parent Teacher Conferences Available </div> icon
Parent Teacher Conferences Available 

 Call the office at 530-235-4835 to set an appointment.


<div>Newsworthy</div> icon

  • June 5th at 2:00 - Summer School meeting

  • June 5 & 6 - Year End Final Exams

  • June 7th - Graduation

  • June 11th - First day of summer school - 8:00 am

  • Back to School BBQ August 13th

  • SY 24-25 begins August 14th - 8:00 am

More News

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More News

Check our event calendar on the Home Page for more dates and happenings.

Our group giving the thumbs up
Ski Park logo
Culinary Arts Program in {arent Magazine
Laser lights for Laser Tag
aerial view of Redding Waterworks Park
Tiger Clipart - Lying down
Locker, backpack, Apple
drawing of student at desk clipart
students in front of culinary trailer
poster of motivational speaker from 2023
photo of astronaut Garrett Reisman who spoke to us
Poster for musician who came to speak.