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Basketball is in full swing.
Come see our new gym floor and bleachers.

<div>Basketball is in full swing.</div><div>Come see our new gym floor and bleachers.</div> icon
Basketball is in full swing.
Come see our new gym floor and bleachers.

Snow Day February 7 - Academic calendar may change to make up the time.
February 10 - No School - Lincoln's Birthday
February 12 - Board of Trustees Meeting
February 17 - No School - Presidents' Day
February 26 - Community Forum 5:00 -Site Council immediately following
February 28 - Short Day - Teacher Work Day
March 14 - End of 3rd quarter
For the Senior Project on the Veterans that have been students at Dunsmuir High, see the button link below, and visit the Dunsmuir Public Library.

Winter is Here

Parent Teacher Conferences Available 

<div>Parent Teacher Conferences Available </div> icon
Parent Teacher Conferences Available 

 Call the office at 530-235-4835 to set an appointment.


<div>Newsworthy</div> icon

Community Forum agenda
Open to all community members
5:15 Welcome and Dinner
5:30 – Sign into Welcome Book and Collect materials for review
5:45 Begin Slide Show and Presentation
RECAP current LCAP Goals and Actions and budgets
Review how our students are doing so far this year.
Solicit Comments for LCAP as necessary to foster our Vision
Review Parent Involvement Policy and Parent/Student/School Compact
Participate in Survey – get a raffle ticket
Have dessert and raffle
6:30 Collect Surveys and Enjoy Dessert
7:00 – Adjourn to Site Council Meeting
Our group giving the thumbs up
Ski Park logo
Culinary Arts Program in {arent Magazine
Laser lights for Laser Tag
aerial view of Redding Waterworks Park
Tiger Clipart - Lying down
Locker, backpack, Apple
drawing of student at desk clipart
students in front of culinary trailer
poster of motivational speaker from 2023
photo of astronaut Garrett Reisman who spoke to us
Poster for musician who came to speak.